Founded in taiwan as an early entrant into the carbon fiber/glass fiber sporting goods market including tennis racquets, golf shafts, ski poles, wind surfing masts, etc… the founder was the leading pioneer from patented bladder molding process to utilizing it on products, since 1978.
Due to avoiding inclines from labor costs in taiwan, he had moved facilities to malaysia in early 80s. Filament winding process was implemented at late 80s to produce tube like products, followed by rolling process. Through a unique opportunity had arisen, ice hockey sticks were introduced in the early 90s.
People and Teamwork
Our strength is our team of professionals. We take pride in our treatment of our staff. We promote from within. And, we develop expertise, as a group.
Full-Tech puts their customer's needs as our first priority. Customer services, fast reaction time to customer requests, professional graphic design supports, and a capable logistics team are all part of our service package.
Each of our products we produce in FTC, we services to provide best affordable prices in materials and in advanced processes. This allows higher market shares, and able to compete in higher winning edge with other competitors.
Research & Development
We design and controls in high quality, innovative carbon fiber products. We stay on the cutting edge of technology, and always push the limits on our ideas.
Results Oriented
Full-Tech is now one of the largest ice hockey stick manufacturers in the world. Our culture led to these results. The same recipe will make Full-Tech a relevant and an influential operator in the composite bicycle relevant industries.
Human Rights Certified
Full-Tech annually audited by different 3rd parties auditing companies, in standardizing working environments safeties and in worker's health. Full-Tech was progressed and been certified as one of a leading brand's best supplier of the year in 2012. |